Activities of Daily Life

If someone can’t accomplish daily activities without the help of another person, they might begin to feel helpless or frustrated, but there may be solutions that can ease the burden of everyday tasks. Those with an intellectual, visual or physical disability and their caregivers can harness technology that CreateAbility has developed to live more self-sufficient lives.

Contact us for more information on how to equip a home with systems that make everyday activities more accessible for the person with an intellectual or physical disability.


For people with little or no eyesight, navigating their home by themselves might be challenging due to the increasing use and complexity of electronics. CreateAbility’s HomePortal can expand the possibilities of what an individual can do on their own and removes barriers to living more independently.

HomePortal is a universal home environment that simplifies electronics and appliances by enabling the consumer to control and monitor their home by just using their voice. A voice-controlled home could include control over:

  • Lights
  • Thermostat
  • Doors
  • Dishwasher

Alexa-enabled Microwave

Being able to cook independently again is empowering to individuals that are not able to see or press the buttons on a microwave. To them, it was one more element of life that was not available to them before without assistance. With an interactive microwave, the user gains not only the function of an everyday appliance but the more important benefit of an added layer of independence.

Our interactive microwave utilizes Amazon Echo’s technology through CreateAbility’s Sparkplug Alexa skill. Now, using your Amazon Echo, the microwave responds to a full range of pre-established voice commands such as:

  • “Alexa, tell Sparkplug to microwave pizza, two slices.”
  • “Alexa, tell Sparkplug to microwave popcorn.”
  • “Alexa, ask Sparkplug for the remaining cook time.”

Our special internal module doesn’t alter the microwave’s original capabilities, so everything else remains functional as well, merely enhanced.

Ask us how we can enhance a microwave and the rest of the home.

MEMBRAIN (coming soon)

Some people with an intellectual disability who are transitioning to a group home or wish to live more independently in their own home simply need to be reminded or prompted to keep on schedule or that they may have forgotten to take their medications. CreateAbility’s MEMBRAIN serves these individuals and their caregivers, addressing their concerns by respectfully monitoring certain activities and prompting the person if needed. With MEMBRAIN, the individual can take on activities and responsibilities that might not have been possible before.

The MEMBRAIN system creates a safety net around the person by first learning what the individual’s regular consumption and activity looks like for activities of daily living such as screen time or hygiene. It uses this information to form a baseline, monitoring their consumption of water, electricity, and internet activity. MEMBRAIN won’t monitor the content of these activities, only the type and amount. For example, it can record that the user watched Netflix for an hour, but cannot report what they viewed.

If an activity is outside the normal range, the system reminds them with respectful prompts on their TV, tablet, or cell phone. If there is a problem it can let others, such as concerned parents, know that they are safe or alert them if they are not.

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Indianapolis, IN 46205

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(317) 728-6670

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5058 Evanston Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46205

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For more information about how we can customize our solutions to meet your needs, contact:

Already use our solutions? For technical support please contact:

(317) 728-6670