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GIRDER & MyBrain Quick Start

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With MyBrain and, you can manage assessment types, assessment intervals, days of the week that assessments appear, and scoring weight to determine the overall risk for a client.

To do this, on any internet browser, navigate to and login with the credentials provided to you by a Createability associate. 

If you do not have login credentials, contact CreateAbility Inc. support by emailing or dialing 317.728.6670

Select the system or client you want to manage:

Then choose “Assessment Dashboard” in the dark menu area

You’ll see two areas in the assessment dashboard: Orange and blue.

Orange assessments are for intake and discovering levels of substance abuse, criminality, previous traumatic brain injuries, or psychiatric illnesses.

Blue assessments are for the client to take at regular intervals via web form or the MyBrain app. These assessments can cover:

  1. Substance Abuse
  2. Opioid Use
  3. Dyscontrol
  4. Sleep
  5. Cognitive Impairment
  6. Anger and Mood
  7. Social Isolation
  8. Level of Disability

To set a particular assessment, choose the day of the week you would like for MyBrain to offer your client to take that assessment. You can do this with the Days of the Week checkboxes in the 5th column from the left for each assessment.

Then, you can set a date for when the interval starts. Do this by inputting the date in the Starting Date field at the bottom of the page. To use the current date, simply press the Today button underneath the Starting Date field.

The bottom of the page also includes a field to input the caregiver’s e-mail to receive notifications, and the hour those notifications are generated.

BEAM also enables you to generate spreadsheets of a client’s assessment activity in both MyBrain and MyBrainNow. These are generated at the click of a button at the bottom of the page

If for any reason you’d like to override the recommended assessment interval, you can select Override from the Reassessment Frequency dropdown and input your own desired reassessment frequency in the Override Reassessment Frequency dropdown

Understanding Risk Rating 

When your client fills out an assessment, it’s scored and is categorized as “high risk” or “low risk” based on the score. A high risk assessment score increments the total score by two, while a low risk score on an assessment increments it by one.

Assessments that were previously scored as “high risk” will be delivered to the app more frequently when set to “recommended” reassessment frequency.

Orange assessments let you change the risk rating, since they’re only issued once for intake or baseline purposes.

Understanding T-score

At a glance, you can view a client’s level of risk for the factors you’re assessing them for with the T-score. The T-score is how we resolve the conflicting scoring systems of each assessment.

For example:  for an assessment on dyscontrol, a low score translates to a high risk. For an assessment on substance abuse, the opposite is true. Each assessment score is

adjusted and then added together to determine a Total Risk Rating. The T-score can be as follows:

Green: 18-24

Yellow: 25-29

Red: 30-36

Green is a low risk, while red is higher

The client must complete assessments for the caregiver to see a Total Risk Rating

When your client fills out an assessment, it’s scored and is categorized as “high risk” or “low risk” based on the score. A high risk assessment score increments the total score by two, while a low risk score on an assessment increments it by one.

Assessments that were previously scored as “high risk” will be delivered to the app more frequently when set to “recommended”

To deliver an assessment to the person you support via the MyBrain App:

After you’ve configured the assessment dash on, open MyBrain on your tablet, and give it to the person you support for them to complete the avatar-assisted assessments.

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