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How Do I Add Custom Media & Sequences to MeMinder List Items?

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Creating and Customizing Media in MeMinder

MeMinder gives you the ability to add custom media to tasks and sequences.

  • Open MeMinder and log in.
  • Press and hold the MeMinder logo for 3 seconds to unlock the settings icon, then click the settings icon.

  • Uncheck Show Talking Pictures View and press the green checkmark in the top-right of the settings menu to view a customizable version of your list

  • Slide left and press the blue edit button on a list item you want to add custom media to.

  • You can press the buttons at the bottom of the screen for the following functions:
    • Image: Press the green image icon to use an image already on your device.
    • Camera: Press the teal camera button to use the device’s camera to take a photograph.
    • Take Video:  Press the video camera icon to record a video for that task.
      • Talk while filming to provide instruction to supplement the task, as the text-to-speech feature is not used for tasks with videos.
      • Systems with a lot of large videos may run into device limitations:
      • Some low-end Android devices, such as the Amazon Fire 7 lack sufficient computing power to handle many large videos, and could crash.
    • Video File:  Press the orange video file icon to add a video already on the device to your task.
      • The video should have spoken or captioned instructions since it will override the text-to-speech for the task.
      • Systems with a lot of large videos may run into device limitations:
      • Some low-end Android devices, such as the Amazon Fire 7 lack sufficient computing power to handle many large videos, and could crash.
    • Audio Record:  You can press this button to add an audio recording to your task.
      • Be explicit when recording prompts, as this will also override text-to-speech for the task.

Creating and customizing sequences in MeMinder

MeMinder gives you the ability to create sequences for tasks. Sequences are smaller sub-steps that provide more instruction for a single task. To create a sequence:

  • Press the sequence icon; the icon looks like a grey stack of cards with a plus sign.Pressing the sequence button will take you to the sequence editor as shown here:

  • From this screen, you can customize the start and end messages for the task sequence, or press the blue New Step icon.
  • From here, you can input the instructions for the sequence step and insert an image file or take a photo with the device.

  • You can also add a timer that will remind the user to continue with their task. The timer can be set in increments of 15 seconds, for a maximum value of 30 minutes.
  • Once you’ve configured the sequence step to your liking, hit the green checkmark button in the top-right of the screen. This will take you back to the sequence editor screen

  • Now you can create multiple steps and 1.) Edit them 2.) Delete them, or 3.) Reorder them by pressing on the step you want to move and then pressing the arrows in the corresponding direction.
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